curve of Pleasure

curves of Pleasure
Example / Category
[e.g. occlusion]
Please note
[Max A. Pleasure, New York, U.S. dentist, 1903-1965]

Pleasure MA. Prosthetic occlusion—a problem in mechanics. J Am Dent Assoc and Dent Cosmos 1937;24:1330-8.
Pleasure MA. Practical full denture occlusion. J Am Dent Assoc Dent Cosmos 1938;25:1606-17.

Definition from Glossary

1: eponym for a helicoid curve of occlusion that, when viewed in the frontal plane, conforms to a curve that is convex from the superior view, except for the last molars which reverse that pattern 2: in excessive wear of the teeth, the obliteration of the cusps and formation of either flat or cupped-out occlusal surfaces, associated with reversal of the occlusal plane of the premolar, first and second molar teeth (the third molars being generally unaffected), whereby the occlusal surfaces of the mandibular teeth slope facially instead of lingually and those of the maxillary teeth incline lingually—syn ANTIMONSON CURVE, FREQUENCY CURVE, PROBABILITY CURVE, REVERSE CURVE

kûrv ŭv Ple˘zh′er