continuous gum denture

continuous gum dentures

English focus texts

Please note

Richardson J. A practical treatise on mechanical dentistry. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1880:307-35.

Definition from Glossary

1: an artificial denture consisting of porcelain teeth and tinted porcelain denture base material fused to a platinum base 2: according to Joseph Richardson, “plain single teeth, made for the purpose, are arranged and soldered to a plate properly fitted to the mouth, after which different mineral compounds, made to represent the natural gums, roof, etc., are applied to the plate and teeth in a plastic state, then carved and trimmed in proper form, and by means of a strong furnace heat these compounds, which are called the body and the gum enamel, are fused, thus producing a continuous gum, root, and rugae of the mouth, without seam or crevice.” The technique is attributed to Dr. John Allen (American)

kon-ti˘n′yōō-us gŭm de˘n′chur