pediatric speech aid prosthesis

pediatric speech aid prostheses

English focus texts

Definition from Glossary

A temporary or interim maxillofacial prosthesis used to close a defect in the hard and/or soft palate of an infant or child. It may replace tissue lost due to developmental or surgical alterations. It is necessary for the production of intelligible speech. Normal lateral growth of the palatal bones necessitates replacement of this prosthesis occasionally. Intermittent revisions of the obturator section can assist in maintenance of palatal pharyngeal closure (termed a speech aid prosthesis modification). Frequently, such prostheses are not fabricated before the deciduous dentition is fully erupted since clasp retention is often essential—syn BULB, CLEFT PALATE APPLIANCE, NASOPHARYNGEAL OBTURATOR, OBTURATOR, PROSTHETIC SPEECH AID, SPEECH APPLIANCE, SPEECH BULB

pē′dē-ăt′rık spēch ād pro˘s-thē′sıs