physiologic rest position

Example / Category
[e.g. mandible]

English focus texts

Definition from Glossary

1: the mandibular position assumed when the head is in an upright position and the involved muscles, particularly the elevator and depressor groups, are in equilibrium in tonic contraction, and the condyles are in a neutral, unstrained position (GPT-1) 2: the position assumed by the mandible when the attached muscles are in a state of tonic equilibrium. The position is usually noted when the head is held upright (GPT-1) 3: the postural position of the mandible when an individual is resting comfortably in an upright position and the associated muscles are in a state of minimal contractual activity — comp OCCLUSAL VERTICAL DIMENSION, REST VERTICAL DIMENSION

fi˘z′ē-a-lo˘j′i˘k re˘st pa-zi˘sh′un